With my winter camp role in full swing, I'm now putting in 60-70 hour weeks, so little time has been left to devote to this blog. I do however have an update for today. I don't do New Year's resolutions, but I have come up with a list of books I would like to read in 2009. I have all the books except the ones hyperlinked to their respective Amazon pages. (Just in case someone is feeling generous.) If you have anything you would like to share about the listed books, or have any other must reads, feel free to comment.
DA Carson - Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Phillipians
DA Carson - Exegetical Fallacies
Charles Colson - The Body
Mark Dever - What is a Healthy Church
John Glynn - Commentary and Reference Survey
Wayne Grudem - Systematic Theology
Timothy Keller - Prodigal God
Timothy Keller - Reason for God
Martyn Loyd-Jones - Life in God
John MacArthur - Our Sufficiency in Christ
John MacArthur - The Gospel of Jesus
Calvin Miller - Life is Mostly Edges
Dave Peterson - Engaging With God: A Biblical Theology of Worship
John Piper - Spectacular Sins
John Piper - This Momentary Marriage
Robert B. Selph - Southern Baptists and the Doctrine of Election
RC Sproul - Holiness of God
Alexander Strauch - Biblical Eldership
AW Tozer - That Incredible Christian
Roy B. Zuch - Vital Christology Issues
The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen
14 hours ago
Both Carson books are excellent. Exegetical Fallacies can seem overwhelming at times, but it's totally worth it.
"the Body" is decent.
Grudem's theology has highlights and lowlights. Sometimes his scholarship is phenomenal, sometimes he bends the evidence to his preconceptions....alas, who doesn't?
I've grown frustrated with MacArthur...so I'll just leave it at that :)
"Holiness of God" is an excellent read, as well.
Reading any good things by non-reformed theologians? Always good to read outside of one's own tradition - just, if nothing else, for checks and balance purposes.
Cheers, man. Have fun - It looks like a great lineup for this year of readying!
Thanks for the input. I am mainly focusing on reformed theologians, because I am new to reformed theology. You can thank Sam for that. My own background was more of a mix of Southern Baptist with my fathers Methodist upbringing. I am all about the checks and balances though. Any ideas on some balancing reading.
Three suggestions for you that I think every pastor (in any capacity) or one in the wings should read (and probably annually at that)are Richard Baxter's "The Reformed Pastor" -not "reformed" as in Calvinist (even John Wesley recommended this read to early Methodist Pastors); Piper's "Brothers, we are not professionals"; Spurgeon's "Lectures to my students". Three classics (Piper's will be someday!).
I've not read Baxter, but I have read "O, Shepherd Where Art Thou?" by Calvin Miller which is a story based on the works of Baxter. I would like to get Spurgeon's book. I have his three volume set on the Psalms, and love it.
Yeah, thanks for asking...
"Peculiar People" by Rodney Clapp
"The Prophetic Imagination" by Walter Brueggemann
And for something a little more academic, BUT INCREDIBLY RELEVANT AND HELPFUL!!..."Exclusion and Embrace" by Miroslav Volf.
Let me know if you tackle one of those and tell me what you think. They're three of my favs.
Pipers "Brothers...." is pretty good. His Calvinism seeps through only minimally, so it is actually not too distracting for the non-reformed reader. Pastorally, though, his ministers heart and passion come forth - so Sam's right about that one.
I've heard Baxter is good...
And I always loved Spurgeon as well, though I haven't read the book Sam suggests.
The thing I've always loved about being Southern Baptist is that we've been able to hold both Calvinists and Arminians in our midst, historically. I hate that we're moving so far to one side right now...but alas, I don't know that I'll be SBC much longer anyway.
In either case, I think it's always good to hold these ideas in tension - especially considering our NT writers pre-dated both Calvin and Arminius...suggesting, to me, that most of our arguments about the topic are anachronistic at best and down right purposely deceptive at worst.
enjoy your reading, brother.
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