Yeah, you read the title correctly. Tired of seeing the same graffiti covering lampposts, trains, and buildings, then check out the newest form of graffiti I know, yarn bombing. Yarn bombing, also known as "knit graffiti", or "guerrilla knitting", began appearing online a few years ago and is now going global. Sound to strange too be true? Well check out the follwoing blogs which chronicle the work of yarn bombers:
knitta please
covered in knit
Knitta Please has the following on their "about" page
Knitta began in August 2005, when the soon-to-be-Knittas were discussing their frustration over unfinished knitting projects: half-knitted sweaters and balls of yarn gathering dust. That afternoon, they knit their first door handle. Then it dawned on them… a tag crew of knitters, bombing the inner city with vibrant, stitched works of art, wrapped around everything from beer bottles on easy nights to public monuments and utility poles on more ambitious outings. With a mix of clandestine moves and gangsta rap — Knitta was born! Today, Knitta is a group of ladies of all ages, nationalities, and… gender.
While Knitta does tag car antennas and light poles, they, like the Johnny Cash song, have been everywhere. Tags from MOntreal to Paris, Seattle to the Great Wall of China, these ladies are leaving a unique mark in the society the touch.
Same may see this as just another form of vandalism, but theres something much less hurtful about finding your car wrapped in a knitted yarn than covered in spray paint, after all all you need to do is take a pair of scissors to it if you want to get rid of it. What I'm mystified about is how they knit so quickly! Seriously, can you imagine a few female hipsters frantically spinning their web of yarn around a light pole?